Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bloom & Grow Photograhy | The R Family {Utah Family Photographer}

Meet my gorgeous cousin and her fabulous family. They came all the way from Rhode Island for pictures! Okay, maybe that's not entirely true.  Her brother was also getting married, which is probably really why they came...but I'm so happy they were able to squeeze a shoot into their busy trip.  My seriously beautiful cousin kept apologizing for being unphotogenic.  So, as you look through their pictures, please take a good look at how "unphotogenic" she is...  :)  Love you A!  Enjoy the R Family.


  1. Oh, they are such a gorgeous family!

  2. They are so cute and I love that they didn't go all matchy matchy, it looks really good!

  3. Great pictures. I keep forgetting to come visit. Of course this family is gorgeous! :) (A is the one who pointed out your blog.) I love how little Miss A is almost always so serious and how Miss K loves to pose.
